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{"isCandidateLoggedIn": false, "isProfileRegistered": false, "isAllowedForRegistration": true, "registrationNotAllowedReason": null, "candidateLoginMandatory": false, "eventData": {"name": "FGF Cohort 9 Applications", "groupId": "capitalone.com", "stageGroupStats": [], "plannedEventEncId": "Z7lR3jAP", "plannedEventId": 336964, "createdBy": "breha.barnes@capitalone.com", "campaignJson": {"campaign_list": [406760, 406761, 406811, 409141], "planned_event": true}, "createdByName": "Breha Barnes", "institution": "@C0898", "venue": "We will send you a confirmation email once we receive your application", "address": "", "description": "<div>First Gen Focus Cohort 9 Applications are now open! The First-Gen Focus program is a 8 week program for incoming<strong> Freshmen and Sophomore</strong> students. The program is designed to offer the opportunity for professional and personal development within our 3 core program pillars: Financial Well-being, Personal Wellness, and Career Readiness & Persistence. Our program is also designed to help you begin to confidently navigate through college and to prepare you for life after graduation. The program does not guarantee future employment at Capital One but should help prepare you for those opportunities.</div><div><br></div><div>If you're ready to take advantage of this amazing opportunity and:</div><div><strong>\u2022 You identify as an incoming first-generation college student</strong></div><div><strong>(neither parent has a four-year degree in any country)</strong></div><div><strong>\u2022 Classified as a Freshman or Sophomore</strong></div><div><strong>\u2022 Have not participated in the FGF Program before</strong></div><div><br></div><div>Then we encourage you to apply, we look forward to meeting you soon!</div>", "eventLocationType": "in_person", "completeVenue": "You will be notified by 9/25 if you are selected!", "when": "past", "eventSessionsJson": {}, "selectedTimezone": "America/Chicago", "startTimestamp": 1725451200, "endTimestamp": 1727704800, "eventDateAndTime": "Sep 04 - 30, 2024, 07:00 AM - 09:00 AM | America/Chicago", "editable": false, "eventTeamEditable": false, "allowEventArchive": false, "isArchived": false, "eventCategory": "Career Development", "eventLandingURL": "https://app.eightfold.ai/events/candidate?plannedEventId=Z7lR3jAP", "eventType": "PROFESSIONAL_INVITE_ONLY", "eventCompanyName": "Capital One", "eventTypeDisplay": "Professional - Invitational Only", "permissions": {"MANAGE_CAMPAIGNS": false}, "customInfo": {}, "publishJson": {}, "checklistCompletionMap": {"eventTeam": true, "landingPage": true, "targetPositions": false, "assessmentForm": false, "addResume": true, "isEventPublished": false, "inviteCampaign": false, "invitedCampaign": false, "reminderCampaign": false, "applicantCampaign": false, "talentPoolCampaign": false, "appliedCampaign": false, "attendedCampaign": false}, "assessmentTemplates": {"templateIds": []}, "eventTeam": [{"email": "breha.barnes@capitalone.com", "firstName": "Breha", "lastName": "Barnes", "role": "Event owner", "customInfo": {}}], "eventNotes": [], "activeRegistrations": true, "registrationEmailTemplateId": 13419, "qrCodeEnabled": true, "pastEventActiveRegistration": false, "importResumeEnabled": true, "eventSpeakers": [], "eventBucket": "STANDARD", "isEnabledForTM": false}, "landingJson": {"configData": {"homePageBanner": {"image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/event_banner_image/1722355054-Z7lR3jAP.png", "title": "#LifeAtCapitalOne", "useImage": 0}, "navBar": {"color": "#FFFFFF", "image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/Capitalone/Logo_500x100.png", "link": "https://www.capitalonecareers.com/", "background": "#FFFFFF", "opacity": 1, "title": "Capital One"}, "registerButton": {"text": "Register", "backgroundColor": "#008140", "textColor": "#ffffff"}, "greetingText": "Meet us at", "showJobPositionWidget": true, "jobPositionWidgetTitle": "Open Jobs", "companyName": "Capital One", "companyDesc": "Capital One is where professional achievement meets personal satisfaction. Here, every day is another chance to do meaningful work and disrupt an entire industry in positive ways\u2014while getting the opportunities, support and benefits you need. <br><br> Compassionate and curious. Inspirational and energized. That\u2019s #LifeAtCapitalOne. Discover it for yourself today.", "registrationConfig": {"registrationWelcomeText": "Thank you for dropping by! Tell us a bit about yourself", "questionsConfig": {"mandatoryQuestions": {"phoneLabel": "Phone", "phonePlaceholder": "Enter your phone", "phoneRequired": true, "emailPlaceholder": "Enter your email", "firstNamePlaceholder": "Enter your first name", "lastNamePlaceholder": "Enter your last name", "emailLabel": "Email", "firstNameLabel": "First name", "lastNameRequired": true, "lastNameLabel": "Last name", "firstNameValidations": [{"message": "First name must be alpha numeric only", "type": "REGEX", "value": "/^.*$/"}], "lastNameValidations": [{"message": "Last name must be alpha numeric only", "type": "REGEX", "value": "/^.*$/"}], "phoneValidations": [{"message": "Special symbols not allowed", "type": "REGEX", "value": "/^.*$/"}], "emailValidations": [{"message": "Invalid email format", "type": "REGEX", "value": "/^[^\\s@]+@[^\\s@]+\\.[^\\s@]+$/"}]}}, "formFooterText": "<br>When you provide your contact information, we may use it to send you important information about Capital One events and job opportunities.<br><br>For more information on how Capital One collects, uses, and shares personal information please refer to our <a href='https://www.capitalone.com/privacy/' target='_blank'><b><u>Privacy Policy</u></b></a>", "registrationLimit": {"featureEnabled": true}, "limit": null, "enabled": false, "multipleRegistrationInGroup": false}, "confirmationConfig": {"confirmationHeadingText": "Awesome, thank you for your registration.", "confirmationBodyText": "We have also sent you registration confirmation email and SMS.", "confirmationSubHeadingText": "Please show our team your personal tag below.", "addToCalendarWidget": {"showWidget": true}, "eventsRedirectionWidget": {"showWidget": true}, "confirmationBannerImage": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/Capitalone/1734094043::Event+Registration+Confirmation+Banner.png"}, "resumeOptional": true, "showEmployees": false, "alumniWidgetTitle": "People who work at Capital One", "speakerWidget": {"showWidget": true}, "descriptionImagesWidget": {"showWidget": true, "data": []}, "mediaAndBlogsWidget": {"showWidget": true, "media": [], "blogs": []}, "registrationQuestionsConfig": {"defaultQuestions": {"phoneNumberPlaceholder": "Please enter your phone number", "emailRequired": "True", "phoneNumberRequired": "True", "firstNameText": "First Name", "lastNameText": "Last Name", "firstNamePlaceholder": "Please enter your first name", "lastNamePlaceholder": "Please enter your last name", "firstNameRequired": "True", "lastNameRequired": "True", "emailPlaceholder": "Please enter your email", "emailText": "Email", "phoneNumberText": "Phone Number"}}, "thumbnailImage": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/capitalone-sandbox/1680003872::Event+Thumbnail.jpg", "selectedRegistrationQuestionsTemplate": {"templateName": "DEEP Early Engagement Programs", "templateId": 3684, "formFooterText": "<div><br></div><div><span style=\"background-color: transparent; color: rgb(29, 28, 29);\">\ufeffWhen you provide your contact information, we may use it to send you important information about Capital One events and job opportunities.</span></div><div><br></div><div>For more information on how Capital One collects, uses, and shares personal information please refer to our <strong><a href=\"https://www.capitalone.com/privacy/\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Privacy Policy</a></strong>.</div>", "templateQuestions": [{"questionId": "firstName", "label": "First name", "placeholder": "Enter your first name", "required": true, "type": "text", "validations": [{"message": "First name must be alpha numeric only", "type": "REGEX", "value": "/^.*$/"}], "customData": {"disabled": false}}, {"questionId": "lastName", "label": "Last name", "placeholder": "Enter your last name", "required": true, "type": "text", "validations": [{"message": "Last name must be alpha numeric only", "type": "REGEX", "value": "/^.*$/"}], "customData": {"disabled": false}}, {"questionId": "email", "label": "Email", "placeholder": "Enter your email", "required": true, "type": "text", "validations": [{"message": "Invalid email format", "type": "REGEX", "value": "/^[^\\s@]+@[^\\s@]+\\.[^\\s@]+$/"}], "customData": {"disabled": false}}, {"questionId": "phone", "label": "Phone", "placeholder": "Enter your phone", "required": true, "type": "text", "validations": [{"message": "Special symbols not allowed", "type": "REGEX", "value": "/^.*$/"}], "customData": {"disabled": false}}, {"questionId": 29233, "name": "29233", "placeholder": "Select Early Engagement Program", "required": true, "label": "Which Early Engagement Program are you completing this form for?", "short_code": null, "type": "dropdown", "options": [{"label": "First Generation Focus", "value": "First Generation Focus"}, {"label": "Tech Mini Mester", "value": "Tech Mini Mester"}, {"label": "Business Analyst Mini Mester", "value": "Business Analyst Mini Mester"}], "dictionary": null, "validations": [], "customData": {}, "commentEnabled": false, "otherOptionEnabled": true, "defaultValue": null, "air_metadata": {}}, {"questionId": 13188, "name": "13188", "placeholder": "Please Select", "required": true, "label": "Are you at least 18 years old?", "short_code": null, "type": "dropdown", "options": [{"label": "Yes, I am Currently 18 or older", "value": "Yes, I am Currently 18 or older"}, {"label": "No, I am not currently 18 and won't be by the Program Start Date", "value": "No, I am not currently 18 and won't be by the Program Start Date"}, {"label": "I am not currently 18, but will be by the Program Start Date", "value": "I am not currently 18, but will be by the Program Start Date"}], "dictionary": null, "validations": [], "customData": {}, "commentEnabled": false, "otherOptionEnabled": true, "defaultValue": null, "air_metadata": {}}, {"questionId": 13189, "name": "13189", "placeholder": null, "required": true, "label": "The mandatory dates and times for the program are provided in the program description. Are you able to confirm you would be able to attend all events?", "short_code": null, "type": "radio", "options": [{"label": "Yes, Confirmed", "value": "Yes, Confirmed"}, {"label": "No, I have conflicts at this time", "value": "No, I have conflicts at this time"}], "dictionary": null, "validations": [], "customData": {}, "commentEnabled": false, "otherOptionEnabled": false, "defaultValue": null, "air_metadata": {}}, {"questionId": 13190, "name": "13190", "placeholder": null, "required": true, "label": "Do you identify as First-Generation based on the following definition? We are defining \"first-generation\" as someone who neither parent has a 4-year college degree (in any country).", "short_code": null, "type": "radio", "options": [{"label": "Yes", "value": "Yes"}, {"label": "No", "value": "No"}], "dictionary": null, "validations": [], "customData": {}, "commentEnabled": false, "otherOptionEnabled": false, "defaultValue": null, "air_metadata": {}}, {"questionId": 13191, "name": "13191", "placeholder": "Please type your response here", "required": true, "label": "Describe why you are interested in joining the program, and what you hope to gain from the program? Responses should range from roughly 100 - 250 words.", "short_code": null, "type": "text", "options": null, "dictionary": null, "validations": [], "customData": {}, "commentEnabled": false, "otherOptionEnabled": true, "defaultValue": null, "air_metadata": {}}, {"questionId": 13192, "name": "13192", "placeholder": "Please type your College / University here", "required": true, "label": "What College / University do you attend?", "short_code": null, "type": "text", "options": null, "dictionary": null, "validations": [], "customData": {}, "commentEnabled": false, "otherOptionEnabled": true, "defaultValue": null, "air_metadata": {}}, {"questionId": 13193, "name": "13193", "placeholder": "Please type your Major / Field of Study here", "required": true, "label": "What is your Major / Field of Study?", "short_code": null, "type": "text", "options": null, "dictionary": null, "validations": [], "customData": {}, "commentEnabled": false, "otherOptionEnabled": true, "defaultValue": null, "air_metadata": {}}, {"questionId": 13194, "name": "13194", "placeholder": "Please Select", "required": true, "label": "What is your Expected Graduation Year?", "short_code": null, "type": "dropdown", "options": [{"label": "2022", "value": "2022"}, {"label": "2023", "value": "2023"}, {"label": "2024", "value": "2024"}, {"label": "2025", "value": "2025"}, {"label": "2026", "value": "2026"}, {"label": "2027", "value": "2027"}, {"label": "2028", "value": "2028"}, {"label": "2029", "value": "2029"}, {"label": "2030", "value": "2030"}, {"label": "2031", "value": "2031"}, {"label": "2032", "value": "2032"}, {"label": "2033", "value": "2033"}, {"label": "2034", "value": "2034"}, {"label": "2035 and beyond", "value": "2035 and beyond"}], "dictionary": null, "validations": [], "customData": {}, "commentEnabled": false, "otherOptionEnabled": true, "defaultValue": null, "air_metadata": {}}, {"questionId": 13195, "name": "13195", "placeholder": "Please Select", "required": true, "label": "How did you hear about this Program?", "short_code": null, "type": "dropdown", "options": [{"label": "HBCU & HSI Partnerships", "value": "HBCU & HSI Partnerships"}, {"label": "LinkedIn", "value": "LinkedIn"}, {"label": "National Organization (Please provide name of organization below)", "value": "National Organization (Please provide name of organization below)"}, {"label": "Recruiter (Please provide name of Recruiter below)", "value": "Recruiter (Please provide name of Recruiter below)"}, {"label": "School Organization", "value": "School Organization"}, {"label": "Other", "value": "Other"}], "dictionary": null, "validations": [], "customData": {}, "commentEnabled": false, "otherOptionEnabled": true, "defaultValue": null, "air_metadata": {}}, {"questionId": 13196, "name": "13196", "placeholder": "Please type your response here, if applicable", "required": false, "label": "If Other, please provide how you heard about this Program here", "short_code": null, "type": "text", "options": null, "dictionary": null, "validations": [], "customData": {}, "commentEnabled": false, "otherOptionEnabled": true, "defaultValue": null, "air_metadata": {}}, {"questionId": 13197, "name": "13197", "placeholder": "Please provide the Recruiter name, if applicable", "required": false, "label": "If you heard about this Program from a Recruiter, please provide their name here", "short_code": null, "type": "text", "options": null, "dictionary": null, "validations": [], "customData": {}, "commentEnabled": false, "otherOptionEnabled": true, "defaultValue": null, "air_metadata": {}}, {"questionId": 13198, "name": "13198", "placeholder": "Please provide the Organization name, if applicable", "required": false, "label": "If you heard about this Program from a National Organization, please provide the organization name here", "short_code": null, "type": "text", "options": null, "dictionary": null, "validations": [], "customData": {}, "commentEnabled": false, "otherOptionEnabled": true, "defaultValue": null, "air_metadata": {}}, {"questionId": 29234, "name": "29234", "placeholder": "Check All that Apply", "required": true, "label": "Have you previously participated in any other Capital One Programs? 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Please note that if you have, or will have, an F-1 (CPT, OPT or STEM OPT), H-1B, TN, J1 or E-3 visa, then the answer to this question will be \"Yes\".", "short_code": null, "type": "radio", "options": [{"label": "Yes", "value": "Yes"}, {"label": "No", "value": "No"}], "dictionary": null, "validations": [], "customData": {}, "commentEnabled": false, "otherOptionEnabled": false, "defaultValue": null, "air_metadata": {}}, {"questionId": 13200, "name": "13200", "placeholder": "Please Select", "required": true, "label": "Shirt Size", "short_code": null, "type": "dropdown", "options": [{"label": "XS", "value": "XS"}, {"label": "S", "value": "S"}, {"label": "M", "value": "M"}, {"label": "L", "value": "L"}, {"label": "XL", "value": "XL"}, {"label": "XXL", "value": "XXL"}, {"label": "XXXL", "value": "XXXL"}], "dictionary": null, "validations": [], "customData": {}, "commentEnabled": false, "otherOptionEnabled": true, "defaultValue": null, "air_metadata": {}}]}}, "qrcode_base64": "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", "employeeProfileIds": [], "eventListingUrl": "http://capitalone.eightfold.ai/events/open?domain=capitalone.com", "branding": {"privacy": {"text": "Please confirm that you agree to the Data Privacy Policy and laws", "title": "Data Privacy Policy", "button": "Confirm"}, "custom_style": {"font": "", "css": ".upload-resume-modal.privacy-agreement{width:470px!important;min-height:590px!important;border-radius:30px!important;padding:15px15px15px15px;!important;font-size:9pt!important}.upload-resume-modal.privacy-agreement.btn-sm{border-color:rgb(237,9,21)!important}.hero-image {height: 435px!important; background-size: cover!important; background-repeat: no-repeat !important;}.btn-primary, .btn-primary:hover, .btn-primary:focus, .btn-primary:active, .btn-primary.active, .open .dropdown-toggle.btn-primary, .btn-primary:active:focus, .btn-primary:active:hover, .btn-primary.active:hover, .btn-primary.active:focus {background-color: #008140 !important;border-color: #008140 !important}.upload-resume-modal .skip-text {font-size: x-large !important;}.event-footer-disclaimer-text p{margin-bottom: 10px}"}}}, "hideEightfoldBranding": false, "footerDisclaimer": {"show_footer_disclaimer": true, "disclaimer_details": {"icons_first": true, "icons": [{"img_src": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/Capitalone/1654857382::Better+Wheel+Chair+Icon", "link": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/Capitalone/1654857382::Better+Wheel+Chair+Icon"}], "text": " All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, or status as a protected veteran.\n \n If you require a reasonable accommodation to participate in any step in the recruiting process, please contact Capital One Recruiting at 1-800-304-9102 or via email at RecruitingAccommodation@capitalone.com. All information you provide will be kept confidential and will be used only to the extent required to provide needed reasonable accommodation."}}, "customFooter": "", "eventShareConfig": {"showEventShare": false}, "eventsCandidateExperienceV2Gate": true, "registeredCandidates": [{"displayName": "Registered", "name": "registered", "showCountOnDashboard": true, "count": 941}], "registrationLimitFeatureEnabled": true, "eventsV2Gate": [0]}
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